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Final Order Search
Final orders are individual case decisions administered by the Kentucky Board of Tax Appeals (KBTA). Decisions originate from board hearings of tax oriented cases. The three-member board instructs each party to present its respective case. The board then makes a final decision.

The Appellant (party initiating the appeal) and the Appellee (party defending the assessment) may agree or settle the case before a hearing. An order is then issued to state the parties have reached a settlement. The Appellant may withdraw the appeal or request the appeal be dismissed.
The board issues a final order for every case. This final order is kept as a permanent record by the KBTA.
Final orders prior to 2020 may be obtained by filing a request to inspect records with the Kentucky Board of Tax Appeals (KBTA) and or obtain a copy of the final ruling Email
Tax Year
Tax Appeal #
Tax Appeal Type
Date Filed From
Date Filed To
Tax Payer Name
Business Name
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